25 December 2008

Home for the Holidays

I've completed my first semester, and all my hard work has landed me a whopping 4.0. I didn't think I'd get it, but I guess I earned it. I feel like since I've gotten all this independence I have adapted by becoming more responsible. Especially with my time. I won't say that I don't still waste many minutes (ok, maybe hours) on Facebook or the internet in general, but I actually make it a priority to use my time to do my homework. The check-list I make at the beginning of every week is helpful, as is the format of presenting all the week's assignments at the beginning of the week so that (for the most part) nothing jumps up and surprises. Needless to say, I am quite satisfied with the turn-out of my first college semester, and I hope that things will continue in a similar fashion.
Keep working hard, I suppose.
Break has been rather enjoyable. I haven't been able to get as many hours at work as I would've liked, but in lieu of Michael's accident, it was good to be able to be home and watching over him for that first week, without worrying about going to work or being other places. I thank God that Mike's doing better now, a good recovery. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him. My brother means so much to me.
I got more Christmas presents than I should've, even though I asked for very little. But most of the gifts were quite practical things, for which I am grateful, because I am realizing more and more how little I really need and how overly-much I have.
I rearranged my bedroom so that my living space is smaller (just a bed and a dresser) and opened up the rest of the room to my desk, bookshelves, and a guest bed that will double as a couch. I like it very much, but I still have an exorbitant amount of stuff to get rid of - not really stuff, more junk, that makes it less meaningful keeping-wise. But anyways, I'll probably work on that more next week.
On the 3rd I leave for a ski trip up in the UP with a group from school. It's my underhanded way of taking the personal development class and keeping my evenings free. :) I never cared much for gym class, but I'm pretty mutual about cross country skiing, so I figured a week of that wouldn't kill me. It'll be good too, lots of time to sit and think up there in the snow. On top of that, I always love a good excuse to spend some time in the Upper Peninsula, I make it up there so little these days.
I can't wait to go back to Chicago and start my second semester. I'm eager to see all that it has to offer and all that it will bring. Before I know it, the snow will be gone, spring will have sprung, and summer break will be upon me once again. Crazy.

I am so blessed.
