18 May 2011

Hard at work once more

I'm back home, and in no way am I making a vacation of the 2 weeks + that I have here before going up to the UP for the summer. I have torn into the work in my room with much fervor and have been getting a lot done. Since my brother is moved out, I've decided that I'm going to move into his room. Yes, his room has nicer carpet and yes, his room is painted a wonderful shade of earthy green. But the major point of moving myself into his room is this: it's smaller. That's right. Michael's room is about half the size of mine, and so by moving all my stuff into his old room, I'm forcing myself to downsize. Initially people told me I couldn't do it, but I ignored them, and pressed on. Now my parents are commenting on the effectiveness of this mind-game. The whole: if it doesn't fit or have a place, it doesn't stay. It works better when I'm moving things from one place to another and I don't have the option of just throwing everything back in the box and putting it back in the closet for another day.

This morning alone I turned three boxes of stuff into two. Since I started really working on Monday, I've filled two large boxes of things to get rid of, doubled the load in my recycle box, and am about to fill a garbage bag with items to trash. I'm being ruthless - or at least as ruthless as I can be. It's the small, going through boxes full of crap, that wears on me the most, but I'm trying to press through it, and I'm giving myself plenty of breaks. For instance, during a break today I messaged the local Christian radio station and got a request played on the radio I was listening to! Very exciting. That reenergized my efforts for another half hour or so.

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and ensure everyone that I am, indeed, safely back in the U.S. of A. and surviving my transition shap-shap. I miss Botswana, but there's a lot to be done here, and I'm glad that I'm back and achieving it. The end of my Great Purge, which started my senior year of high school, is coming into sight, and I am quite thrilled.

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