I've been busy lately. Especially when faced with stressful situations, I have a tendency to put myself to work. I'm sure my former roommates can attest to this. This weekend? I rode my bike 50.5 miles, hiked at least 5 miles on a VERY hot day, rearranged the furniture in my room, vacuumed, balanced my checkbook, made a bookshelf, wrote up Bible verses to put on my wall, baked a carrot cake for lunch and Amish baked oatmeal for breakfast, and even marinated pork chops for supper!

The source of all of this I am sure you will find amusing, given that I have had very little trouble with this in the past - or very much, depending on how you look at it. But to put it simply, I found out that two of my coworkers were in a competition to see who could get me to like them first. Meanwhile, I was really enjoying the opportunity to go hiking and such with my coworkers, attributing this to the younger age of the staff this year. Apparently I am horribly naive. The real problem with all of this is that I am now in a predicament because I am not interested in having a relationship with either of them - but I still have to work and live with them without things being awkward. Okay, all you college friends can start laughing at me now. Go on, laugh away. ;P

Why does this always seem to happen to me? What wrong signals am I sending? Is it too much to ask people to not think I'm hinting because I don't realize that they're hinting!? C'est la vie.

So anyway, the produce of all this? The pictured creations (excluding the first couple paintings - those I did over the last couple weeks), a newly assembled bedroom, a delicious dinner, and very tired legs. And yes: there are chocolate chips in the carrot cake - it's to make up for the lack of frosting. There are worse things I could do when stressed...
Hee-hee... :) Time for some awkward conversations Jac...