03 March 2013

Happy Sunday! Happy Friday!

(Oh, and happy birthday to Mom, if you're reading this! :)

It's Sunday, which means that it's my Friday, and I am looking forward to the weekend. Nothing too special or exciting planned - just the usual biweekly burger bike and laundry the following day - but after last weekend I am eager to have the chance to sleep in.

Yesterday I gave my first interpretive talk since I got here, and I was reminded why I do this kind of work: I absolutely LOVE doing interp! I had an audience of 36 (or more - it's so hard to count while talking...) and they were riveted to my every word. When I finished the talk and opened it up for questions, nobody left! They all stayed and I got questions from just about everyone. Afterwards I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day, just so happy! My next presentation will be on Thursday, and then I think I'm going to be scheduled for the Wednesday after that. It looks like I'll be giving this talk once a week. I wish I could be giving it more often than that, but we'll see.

An update on my cycling and hiking numbers: I've now breached 200 miles on the bike and have logged over 75 miles of hiking! I wouldn't be surprised, with the way things are going, if I get over 100 miles of hiking within the next couple weeks. I'm sure you'll hear about it when I do. I've almost hiked all the posted trails down here at RGV, but there's a few more that I have to cross off my list!

Until next time!
Photo Credit: Amy Gibson

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