21 August 2013

Weekend Adventures

So this weekend I went to Columbia SHP with a friend, but I didn't take a single picture in the state park. Oops. However, I did get a goofy shot of us in front of a storefront in the town of Bootjack, where we stopped because of the funny name.
We also stopped at the CA State Mining and Mineral Museum in Mariposa - where I geeked out for an hour or so. They've got an operational model of a stamp mill! How cool is that! Anyway, we made it up to Columbia, explored a bit, had ice cream, sarsaparilla, and chocolate, then went to Tuttletown Recreation Area to cool off because it was ludicrously hot! We swam for at least a couple hours, then had dinner and camped out. Overall, a very fun time.

The next morning I went to Stockton to visit my cousin Amanda. But first I stopped in at her winery in Acampo, where I got the Mr. Rogers tour - so cool!

It was fun catching up with her, meeting the addition to their family, swimming in their pool (again, it was REALLY hot and humid), and generally having fun. Then the next day it was off to Bodie again, where a 14,300 acre fire is burning a mere 3 miles away at 20% containment. I'm up and at 'em this morning, but word on the street is we might not be open again today. We'll see if they find anything worthwhile for me to do with myself for 10 hours if that's the case.

Until next time!


  1. what no pictures of Kyle either?

    1. I'm not one to have my camera out all the time. I prefer to actually be paying attention to what's going on around me rather than the camera screen.

  2. Stay safe, treat those fire fighters real nice! They are working very hard!

  3. Sounds like a great trip! Haven't been that way in years. Terri's been keeping everyone updated on the fire. Looks way worse than what we went through in 2010. But I know the town and modern Bodieites are in good hands! I'm slowly reading Carl's book on his year in Bode. If you haven't picked it up yet, it's a fun read, especially for those of us that have had the privilege to follow in his footsteps these many years later. The Bodie ghosts must like Scrabble...he and his wife played it a lot when they were in the J.S. Cain also....

    1. Yeah, it was a pretty good weekend overall. The fire isn't that bad, and we aren't concerned, I think the media is just hyping it up. I haven't even seen smoke since I got back on Tuesday. You can't see the fire from the ridge (anymore, apparently they could when it first started) and I think they're just being obnoxious not letting us open. Hopefully we will today, but I'm not holding my breath. That's funny that they played Scrabble in the J.S. too! Rock on!
