That would be us. We've put in one application and innumerable phone calls, and still haven't gotten anything solid lined up for housing near our new jobs. It's wearing me out, and it's certainly not something I want to talk about, but it keeps getting thrown in my face that we're leaving - either by watching all my friends prep their gardens for summer or by people telling me I don't care about the community because I'm leaving. They both hurt in different ways. I mostly hole up and work on projects. I have done a little in the garden, in spite of myself, on the sunnier days.
It's finally starting to get somewhat sunny and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I've tried to get out in it as much as possible, whether it's doing yoga on the lawn, walking on the beach, eating meals on the porch, or soaking it in while I read my homework in a lawn chair. My gym card certainly isn't getting much use, and I'm not being terribly active I'm afraid. But I am trying to get things done. I've gone through all of "my" drawers in the house, sorting what to keep/donate/throw away. I've taken multiple boxes of things to the thrift store.
I've also been working on a few projects for friends. I've got a knitting project halfway through for Jack that I ought to finish up, and a nalbinding project underway with one of the nalbinding needles that Jack made me for my birthday and the Icelandic wool yarn that he gave me too. We are talking about going to Iceland for Christmas this year. We'll see how much money we're able to save up this summer.
School is going well - my last small paper was turned in last week and now I've got the rest of the month to work on my final paper for this course. I'm debating whether to take American Revolution and Federalist Era (which I know sadly almost nothing about) or Borderlands (a sort of historical geography type course, a corner of history that I'm very interested in) over the summer. I've got until the end of the month to decide for sure.
Alright, that was a bit of a cluster of thoughts all rolled up into one, but that's kinda how I'm feeling right now. The never-ending house hunt has definitely got me down. Things would be so much less stressful if we didn't have this giant question mark looming over us all the time. We have a couple friends from South Africa on their way here. We'll be picking them up in Medford on Monday and hosting them on and off for the next couple weeks (they'll be visiting some other friends in the middle too). I knit them each a pair of slippers, which I'm excited to give them. I didn't sew up the backs on the mens slippers though because I'm not sure if they'll fit! I wanted to be able to add on if needed.
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