25 May 2008


It's been a winter. I haven't been updating much at all. Sorry about that.
Now it's the end of the school year. I'm looking forward to summer. Even more than that, I'm looking forward to North Park and Chicago in the fall. College will be so much fun! I can't wait to find out who my roommate is!
But I have to keep focused. There's plenty of stuff that I need to get done before I graduate, else certain people won't have their stuff back and I'll leave behind a legacy of unfinished business at WMC. ::sigh:: I wish things were simpler.
That's another thing. I'm going to try and simplify my life wherever I can. For instance: I think it's time to get rid of my hotmail account. I've just got too many e-mail addresses, and I really don't think it's worth it anymore. It takes too long to check all four accounts separately, and things would just be easier if I got rid of hotmail. Besides, I get mostly spam on that one anyways.
Well, I've got some other stuff to be doing this Sunday afternoon, so I better get going now. Have a great summer everyone! I'll update again soon.