25 December 2008

Home for the Holidays

I've completed my first semester, and all my hard work has landed me a whopping 4.0. I didn't think I'd get it, but I guess I earned it. I feel like since I've gotten all this independence I have adapted by becoming more responsible. Especially with my time. I won't say that I don't still waste many minutes (ok, maybe hours) on Facebook or the internet in general, but I actually make it a priority to use my time to do my homework. The check-list I make at the beginning of every week is helpful, as is the format of presenting all the week's assignments at the beginning of the week so that (for the most part) nothing jumps up and surprises. Needless to say, I am quite satisfied with the turn-out of my first college semester, and I hope that things will continue in a similar fashion.
Keep working hard, I suppose.
Break has been rather enjoyable. I haven't been able to get as many hours at work as I would've liked, but in lieu of Michael's accident, it was good to be able to be home and watching over him for that first week, without worrying about going to work or being other places. I thank God that Mike's doing better now, a good recovery. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him. My brother means so much to me.
I got more Christmas presents than I should've, even though I asked for very little. But most of the gifts were quite practical things, for which I am grateful, because I am realizing more and more how little I really need and how overly-much I have.
I rearranged my bedroom so that my living space is smaller (just a bed and a dresser) and opened up the rest of the room to my desk, bookshelves, and a guest bed that will double as a couch. I like it very much, but I still have an exorbitant amount of stuff to get rid of - not really stuff, more junk, that makes it less meaningful keeping-wise. But anyways, I'll probably work on that more next week.
On the 3rd I leave for a ski trip up in the UP with a group from school. It's my underhanded way of taking the personal development class and keeping my evenings free. :) I never cared much for gym class, but I'm pretty mutual about cross country skiing, so I figured a week of that wouldn't kill me. It'll be good too, lots of time to sit and think up there in the snow. On top of that, I always love a good excuse to spend some time in the Upper Peninsula, I make it up there so little these days.
I can't wait to go back to Chicago and start my second semester. I'm eager to see all that it has to offer and all that it will bring. Before I know it, the snow will be gone, spring will have sprung, and summer break will be upon me once again. Crazy.

I am so blessed.


14 November 2008


Lot's of crazy things have been happening to me since I left high school and my small rural Michigan to be in the heart of Chicago. I'm not sure I approve of all that has happened, but I'm learning from everything and taking it all with an open mind. I am, slowly but surely, developing my beliefs and finding at the face of question that I need solid answers, and figuring out what my definitive answers are going to be. Not answers to life's big questions, those are a bit more complicated. These are answers to simpler questions, like whether or not I approve of underage drinking, if I will participate, if I will let it slide. I know I won't smoke, but how do I feel about it when those around me are?
I have tried things and left other things untried for good reason. I have decided that there are some things that I don't like, and some things that I am not ready to tie myself to just now. There are things that I have wanted for so very long, but I have now realized, after having them, that I don't actually want them anymore. I have learned that I need to be more careful, to take things more slowly, and to think things through further. I have learned that I, of all people, need to be more opinionated, and firmer on those opinions, even if they seem harsh, because they are what I believe, after all, and only then will one see if they can live with it or not. I picked that up from my sister, but not in time to use it to my advantage. Next time, Nicole, I'll be sure to try it out next time.
But Chicago, I must say, and college in general, is treating me quite well. I like it here, if only for a few years. This is just a transition, another chapter in my life. It is the section that allows the reader to transition from my childhood to my adulthood, from my early adolescence to the character I am actually going to become. I can see it now. High school was the end to a segment of my life, the cap to the bottle of my youth. College is the flipping of the reels, the brief exchange in which I figure out where I stand in this world and in my life before I'm thrust into it full-force.
I am not doing Ultimate here anymore. I'm not competitive enough, and it just isn't the same as the social sport it was back home. I am volunteering at Cornerstone on Friday evenings and absolutely loving it. I am still a Spanish major, but I have tacked on a History major beside that. What do I want to do with my life? I'm still not sure. But my latest idea, or rather, an idea that has repositioned itself at the forefront of my mind after several years, is to be a member of the National Park Service. I could live somewhere beautiful, interact with all kinds of different people, and feel at home and immersed in nature. Acadia, Maine, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons in Wyoming, Yosemite, California, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan. I could transfer from place to place and find a beautiful home in all of them. And maybe afterwards I could go back to school, get a masters and be a professor, or I could just accrue tons of vacation time and travel the world, volunteering in a wide range of situations and countries. Peace Corps is still a good idea, too, so don't think I've forgotten that in the whirlwind that is college.


13 September 2008

College, Ultimate, Cornerstone, Rain

College, in a word, is amazing. College, in general, is going well.
The classes are good, the workload is manageable, and the people... let's just say that I don't quite feel like I've found my niche yet. But it's only been three weeks, so I guess I shouldn't complain. The right people will find happen upon me and the rest will be history, I'm sure. I just have to remain open-minded.
And I have been very open-minded so far. I'm getting myself involved in all sorts of things: jazz band, concert band, Ultimate Frisbee. I have to say that I really like Ultimate. After four years of just playing, I'm now learning structure, and perfecting my throwing skills. The only sad thing is that I can make just one practice a week right now because of my band practices. It makes it a little hard because I feel like I have to catch up and other girls are getting way ahead of me, but I try not to think about that.
Yesterday I went to Cornerstone Ministries with a group from campus. Cornerstone is a homeless shelter run by JPUSA (an awesome community) that houses full families (i.e. it doesn't separate the fathers from their family like many other shelters do) and our job is to go there and play with the kids during supper so that the parents get a little break. At first I was pretty shy, and I have to say that I'm pretty bad when it comes to being shy in new situations - I try not to be, but my whole voice and outgoing-ness just disappears. So anyways, eventually I warmed up, and afterwards Hajong told me that I seem to have a natural "knack" for talking to children and communicating with them and whatnot. This was rather surprising to me, because I didn't feel like I was doing the greatest job of that, but it was an interesting comment and I took it to heart for pondering.
My final topic today is the rain. Here in Chicago it rains so much and so persistently that I actually had to find and buy a raincoat. I got a pretty sweet one by Ralph Lauren for $7 at the Village Discount Store nearby. And I've put it to use, especially today. This morning at 7:30 I looked outside and noticed that the river was up again. This morning at 8:30 I went outside and saw that not only had the river risen since 7:30, it had flooded, and even more-so than it had last Thursday night. (For those who don't know, on Thursday the river spilled over into the bike path and my roommate and I had the joy of witnessing a WHOLE TREE go floating down the river.) The entire bike path is pretty much disappeared right now, and I've heard rumor that the rain is going to just get worse, and even that there will be thunder and lightning today! Needless to say, I'll be confined to the indoors today, but I like rain, so I guess I don't mind too much. :)

21 August 2008

La la la College!!!

So the move in is done and the settling in is taking place, but so far I'm loving college. I'm having so much fun here! It is so very, very, very different from high school. Some cool things to note so far:
- I was on the winning team of a kickball game on Tuesday night and we all get free homecoming dance tickets.
- The view outside of our room window is of the river and a bike path - beautiful! (someday I WILL kayak downtown!)
- I played Ultimate already and got invited to try out for the team.
- I signed up for Jazz Band practice/audition on Monday - I'm not sure how all of that will go yet.
- I get wireless internet in my room!
- I totally bought three delicious plums from the back of a fruit truck for fifty cents today. Yum!
- I think I'm doing pretty good in the "getting to know new people" department, which is good.
- I took a Spanish placement test to see if I could test out for credit of the intermediate Spanish class - which is a pretty big step that I'm not sure I want to do yet, but we'll see.

Well, I think that's it for now. Kimmy (my roommate) and I are going to go meet Gordon for supper and then I'll probably take a nap, go to the mocktail mixer, and then it's off to the boat dance until 2am! (I hope I survive!) Have a good night everybody!


23 July 2008

Triathlon - one for the summer, I guess...

So I'm sure I sound rather wishy-washy on this whole subject, but it turns out that I will for sure be doing one triathlon this summer. :) On August 9 there is a first-ever triathlon in Grand Rapids at Millennium Park. It's a sprint, with 500m of swimming, about 12 miles of biking, and a 5k run to finish it all up. I'm on a loose training schedule, but I'm swimming MWF and running TuThSa and hopefully that'll be enough to make me finish the triathlon on August 9 without dying, passing out, puking, or something else unpleasant. Oh, and I should say that I'm biking on Sundays, and throughout the week. I figure the biking is what I've got to worry about the least training-wise. I KNOW that I can bike.

Today I went swimming. The water temperature (according to the internet) was about 65 degrees Fahrenheit and the waves were yellow-flag... it was pretty darn cold and I didn't go very far. But I got in a couple hundred meters, and that's better than nothing.
But I think that swimming is the only thing that isn't causing me pain these past few days. My cleats continue to be maladjusted and my left knee is getting horrible while biking. And the running isn't helping the knees - I ran a 5k yesterday and by the end I felt like my IT Band was pulling tight on me. It's rather annoying, but I'm doing all sorts of different stretches and exercises in hopes that it will go away. Hopefully it won't turn into anything serious.

As a final note: if you haven't been watching Le Tour de France this year, I highly recommend it. Things are very exciting this year: this morning I watched a recap where a Team Gerolsteiner guy hit a boulevard and his bike flew into the air, broke in half, and landed in to pieces on the ground! Not to mention the very young and good-looking Brit named Mark Cavendish is winning sprint stage after sprint stage - four to be exact. Well, I better get going. I'm watching stage 16 right now, and I'm waiting for the big crash on the Col de la Bonnet. :)


30 June 2008

How the summer is going...

OK, so I won't be doing any triathlons this summer. I've decided. I've just been so busy lately, I haven't been riding as much as I'd like, and I certainly didn't train enough for running and swimming. Now the one in North Muskegon is passed and the one in Grand Haven is in just a couple weeks, and there's no way. I decided that it'd be much better to do triathlons next summer, and here's my reasoning:
1. I need to save money this summer, and to buy the clothes and the race entries - it all adds up pretty fast.
2. I really haven't been training enough to actually do a good job and not look bad out there.
3. I'm going to go to a college where I will have access to a track and a pool - I can take initiative and workout while I'm there so that I will actually be ready for a triathlon (or at least more ready than now) by the end of the school year.

Other than that, I've been getting in plenty of hours at work and trying to save a majority of the money I take in. It's been going pretty well. The biggest thing is storing up funds for using while I'm in college. I'm going to have to budget really well. (although hopefully I will get some sort of job while I'm there) The other thing is that I can always come home for a bit and get written up on the schedule at work for the weekend. And I really only have to budget through winter break because I'll be able to get back to work when I'm home for that and make a bunch of money again for a couple weeks.

Speaking of college, I found out who my roommate is going to be! Her name is Kimmy and she's from Texas - about thirty miles north of Dallas. We haven't talked on the phone yet, but she found me on Facebook and we've been writing on each other's wall and whatnot. I'm super excited, and I really hope she likes me.

Well, I've got to get going before I spend too much of my morning on the computer. Have a great week everybody, and enjoy your summer while it lasts!

04 June 2008


Tonight I went for a four mile run with my sister and my brother-in-law. I made it through the whole thing, so I was pretty impressed with the bit of running ability that I must still have somehow. So why did I put myself through this heatwave-inducing action?
I came up with this great idea that I want to do a triathlon this summer. I've always wanted to do one, they sound like fun, and they're great achievements. I randomly decided that I wanted to make this summer the one that I do a lot of active things, and not just with biking - bike races seem so long to me somehow. I want to spice things up a bit and do a triathlon, it's a lot more of a personal thing. You don't have to worry about being dropped by the pack or anything like that.
Anyways, there's a local triathlon at the end of the month and I'm going to try and get ready by that time. And if I like that there's another one a few weeks later just south of me. I'm really excited and I think that with how tonight's run went, I'll be able to make it through training to get ready for my first triathlon! ;)

25 May 2008


It's been a winter. I haven't been updating much at all. Sorry about that.
Now it's the end of the school year. I'm looking forward to summer. Even more than that, I'm looking forward to North Park and Chicago in the fall. College will be so much fun! I can't wait to find out who my roommate is!
But I have to keep focused. There's plenty of stuff that I need to get done before I graduate, else certain people won't have their stuff back and I'll leave behind a legacy of unfinished business at WMC. ::sigh:: I wish things were simpler.
That's another thing. I'm going to try and simplify my life wherever I can. For instance: I think it's time to get rid of my hotmail account. I've just got too many e-mail addresses, and I really don't think it's worth it anymore. It takes too long to check all four accounts separately, and things would just be easier if I got rid of hotmail. Besides, I get mostly spam on that one anyways.
Well, I've got some other stuff to be doing this Sunday afternoon, so I better get going now. Have a great summer everyone! I'll update again soon.

20 January 2008


I just saw the movie Juno, and let me tell you: it was amazing.
They took a classic story (and something that happens more and more in this day and age) and brought it completely to life with fresh words and all these crazy one-liners, it was probably one of the best-written movies ever. I especially loved the normality of all the actors - they all seemed like such real people, it was great. Well, that was my plug, I guess that's it for now. But I just want to let you all know that that movie made me really happy and put me in an amazing mood, it was great!

04 January 2008


I'm in Creative Writing class right now.
It's the last class of the day.
I've got nothing to really do, so I'm spending the last ten minutes doing nothing.
I decided I might as well blog.

I hate how much of my time is occupied by school.
I wish that break would've been longer, then I could've gotten more done around the house.
I could've worked more, too, and refurbished my bank account a bit better.
But I guess I'll have to settle for this.
I always find myself settling for things.
I just wish that I could prioritize better so that the things that need to get done actually do get done and I have real freetime to do the things I'd like to do.

As always, we'll see.