14 November 2013

I passed!

After 9 days of drinking information from a fire hose, participating as both rescuer and patient in numerous scenarios, and both a multiple choice and a practical exam, I am now officially a certified Wilderness First Responder. Or WFR (pronounced WOOF-er) for short. Maybe I should start using that at the end of my name like doctors do...

Well, it's time to hit the road once more. I got laundry going, and I'm picking up pieces with regards to my phone bill (my phone got possessed and tried to get on the internet when I was in class one day and charged me $0.31... luckily I got that reversed this morning), emailing folks, cleaning up the room I let all my stuff sprawl in while I was staying here with Chris and Charley. Last night we had an after-party type deal at Paul's house, aka the Zoo, and it was actually kind of sad saying goodbye to all my classmates. Most of them were pretty cool cats, and I hope that we run into each other again someday.

Now it's on to Tujunga and Roger and Cecile's house. I'm hoping to meet up with a friend from my time in Botswana this weekend for a little hiking and catching up. Jack will be back in Cali after the 19th, so we'll be hanging out a lot, too, after that.

So it's time to bid adieu to the Sierra Nevada at last. Hopefully we'll see each other again soon.

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