22 December 2021


When I awoke on Monday morning, I felt lighter of spirit than I had in weeks. The move is done! Now we have to unload from this trip (halfway done as I write) and unpack from all the trips (maybe a third of the way done?).

Nesting is a process both abrupt and haphazard and gradual and thought-out. Sometimes things don't fit quite how you pictured them in your head. Sometimes you find out that a room needs something more (or less) to make it habitable. Sometimes a trip to IKEA is in order... and sometimes your wallet after such a big move is thinking IKEA can wait... The whimsical part of one suggests that it might be worth it to check out all those local antique stores your new hometown is known for, whilst the scientific part of your brain is telling you not to go anywhere because c19 is ramping up again this time of year!

Yet all of that is besides the point. The point is that we are home. That we have successfully accomplished another move. That now that we've stopped living two half-lives, we can start to build a whole life for ourselves here. And as things slowly (or quickly) fall into place with drivers licenses, storage solutions, and home décor, it is enough to feel the accomplishment and the contentment and revel in that awhile before our hurried minds look to what's next.

Happy Solstice, everyone. May you all revel in your own accomplishments at the end of this year and be filled with contentment for the moment this season finds you in.

Until next time!

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