10 December 2011

Next steps...

I've accepted another SCA internship position to get me through the next few months until I can find a real job. The position is a visitor services and park guide combination at Montezuma and Tuzigoot National Monuments, sites of really cool-looking Pueblo ruins. I'm excited. I'm a bit concerned about the money, since recent changes in Americorps policy mean that there is no chunk of money for student loans waiting for me at the end of my time, but it's something, which is better than nothing, and it looks like a really neat opportunity. Not to mention it'll help carve me out of late 1800s ghost town niche. Sure, I suppose ruins and ghost towns aren't far off from each other, but American pre-history is certainly not something I've really had experience in, so it'll give me chance to broaden my horizons a bit.

This internship is supposed to last from the end of January to the end of May. What I'm going to do after that, I can't really say for sure. I'll have very little money, and hopefully I'll have some sort of employment lined up for the near future afterwards. If not... well I'll have fifteen days (and some change) to make it up to Kansas for a certain couple's wedding, and I wouldn't mind taking the scenic route.

So this is my future: waiting for me, right around the corner. It's hard to believe that I'm about to step out and step into this new adventure called 'post-graduation'. You know, the one between 'college' and 'middle-age crisis'. :) At least I've got some semi-definite plans to go off of now. A start date, an end date, a place to stay and a steady (though very small) income for the next four months.

But let's face it: I'm excited, but I'm also half scared-out-of-my-mind. This kind of need for provision takes trusting God to a whole nother level. The future is going to be very interesting....

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