21 December 2012

Happy Holidays!

I really haven't posted in awhile... wow. Well, a couple weekends ago, the craft fair went alright - I made $35, but I only sold 3 pieces. Of course, one of those were the oops!-too-small slippers I had made for myself, so it was at least nice to get those out of the way. The other things, at least, don't take much more room created than they did uncreated, so I've just got a bag of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that I can sell at a craft show at the drop of a hat! :)

Kinda got sick of being at home finally. For awhile it was really bad: I could barely get myself to do anything, and I wasn't too pleased with anything I did, either. But now that the nearness of the holidays is setting in, I'm perking up again with things to do that seem worthwhile.

Today has been amazingly productive so far: I finished my laundry, chatted with my sister, edited my sock & undie drawer, vacuumed my room, and - wonder of wonders - donated 4 boxes worth of stuff (mostly clothes, with some books and other random things), to Dibs and Goodwill. (Dibs, for those who aren't local, is the "nicer" resale shop my school and its feeders opened this year to help lower tuition - with great success!) So far, I'd say that's pretty good. And in between accomplishing tasks, I am breaking by working on sections of the mittens I started knitting yesterday. I'm almost done with the first one (probably will finish it by tonight!) and they're looking and fitting great! I had a bit of trouble here and there, but I frogged and re-worked and whatnot and it's capital now. This is my first time making mittens, so I'm pretty pleased that they seem to be turning out so well, and Mom is surprised by how quickly they are going!

The rest of today is decently mapped out. I'm vacuuming the spare bedroom in preparation for Nicole, Joel, Garrett, and Cade staying in it next week, and then there's the bathroom to be cleaned as well. If I don't lose steam, I'll vacuum the stairs too, but I'm starting to think that that'll have to wait 'til tomorrow. We'll see.

These next couple weeks are going to go by real fast, I think. It'll be Christmas week and I'll be spending time with the family, then I'll be going up to Nikki's next week for the first half to celebrate her and her husband getting baptized into their church up there, and also to ring in the New Year. Then I'll be coming back again to spend the next few days packing and loading up my car for another trip across the country! Wowza!


  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and lots of adventures in 2013, Jaclynn!!!! Yellow Cottage is all decked out, and we're getting ready to do the baking and the fudge soon. Hope we survive all the calories and the eating..LOL

  2. Thanks - you too! You know, I just read an article about how your winter weight theory is totally legit. All the other animals gain weight for the winter, we're crazy to think we shouldn't too, they said. We just need to embrace those few pounds, and when spring comes and we get more active again they'll shed as long as we don't stress 'em. I'm trying to tell myself that this year too - I always gain weight when I'm home!
