02 January 2013

The Final Countdown

Busy, busy, brr.

Things are finally cooling off in Michigan and we've finally got some snow on the ground - just in time for me to leave.

I enjoyed my first (and hopefully not only) cross country skiing excursion when I was up at my sister's this weekend. With any luck, the snow down here will get deep enough to get at least one more skiing adventure in before I migrate again.

This past month I paid down my student loans below the $11,000 mark! Next will be the $10,000 mark, and I think I'll have to celebrate that one somehow since it seems like some sort of milestone. It will be nice to start making quadruple payments again once I start working. Of course, I'll be putting lots of my money towards other things this year, like rent, car insurance, and car payments. C'est la vie. But once more I will have the luxury of living in the middle of nowhere, which means almost no temptation for unnecessary purchases!

I've been pretty busy in my time at home. Aside from purging, I did a fair amount of crafting as well, from making a wedding present for my friend Kourtney, to knitting mason jar cozies for my sister and sister-in-law's presents, to lengthening the sleeves on a knitted sweater, to sewing a pajama shirt, to finishing my Botswana quilt, to knitting myself a new pair of mittens, to sewing a bag for my new (and beautifully woven) yoga mat, to knitting a shawl from yarn I wondered if I would ever get around to using. Things have been busy in the crafty side of my life, and it's been nice to get so many projects finished.

Now, of course, the main project facing me is packing for the next 6 to 10 months of my life, without taking too much or forgetting anything important. Oh, and I'd like to make some new hankies for myself. ;)

I leave on Sunday!

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