22 July 2015

Finished Pads!

So I finished sewing all my pads - 12 in total, including the one I made the other day.
 Here they are pre-sewing. I cut out basic two-layer ones for light days and two-layer plus two-layer liner ones for heavier days.
And here's the finished products! (Yes, there's only 11 there, number 12 was on last week's blog). I'm so excited to break them in down the road! Mostly, I love my cute fabrics - my favorite is the constellations one.

I had a great weekend - made awesome by how many times Jack was able to call me on the sat phone. :) I definitely got my fix, and I was craving it this weekend, so it truly was a blessing. Besides that, I was able to get some important weeding-around-plants done, as well as harvesting the seeds from the arugula plants (and pulling up the plants afterward). Hopefully they're viable as I intend to plant them later in the week. I was going to do some weeding this morning, but instead worked on baking bread and did some oh-so-juicy yoga. It felt great! I'm gonna check my rising loaves in a moment and see if they're not ready to start baking. They'll have to be, since I've got to be out of the house in an hour for work.

Still waking up at 5:30 this week. I'm actually starting to wake up before my alarm already! If I could just get myself to fall asleep sooner things might balance out.

Derby was great last night. Tonight we're having an outdoor practice - one of the girls said I could borrow her extra outdoor wheels. It's one of our recruitment ideas - be more visible, get people interested... I'm anxious to see how this is gonna go...

Until next time!

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