09 July 2015


in.de.pen.dance: n., a dance in the pen; overwhelming excitement due to new-found independence.

I'm doing the independance today (I know, I'm spelling it wrong on purpose...) for two reasons.

One is that my garden is doing fairly well and I just took in my first harvest (apart from those little surprise potatoes the other day, and the kale I put in my salad on Tuesday).
My hefty red cabbage!
I managed to carve this out this morning - I'm pretty sure it's ready to go as it's firm to the squeeze and heavy as a rock! Supposedly if I cut it out right, little mini-cabbages will grow from the base leaves for the rest of the summer. I'll keep you posted...

A few other shots from the garden:
Green Cabbages - I'll probably harvest those this week, too. And yes, they've got cabbage worm big time. But I don't think I mind that much...

Swiss Chard sprout - this is one of two that's come up so far. But I think I'd be fine with just two, though I would like it if a couple more sprouted, too.

Carrot sprout! This is one of 21 that I counted the other day. So cute!

One of my beautiful peas. The camera fogged up a bit when I took this because they're planted right by the output for the dryer... hopefully they don't mind that too much.

And finally, the biggest reason that I'm doing the independance today is because this morning I got up and, given that I don't have to be at work until 12:45, started doing laundry. In our home. No laundromat required. That's right: on Tuesday I bought (with Jack's money) a washing machine for our home! Yippee!
Ok, so both machines are older, but they work well. And don't mind the clutter - I had to move everything over to make room for the installation and haven't reorganized yet. So I've got a kenmore washer and a GE dryer, and I no longer have to drive to the laundromat, feed quarters into hairy machines, and wait around while weird older men stare at me... yeah, I'm pretty stoked about having our own washing machine now!

Until next time!

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