09 June 2011


I moved into my new place, up in the U.P. I've started work and I've been learning the ropes and getting to know my coworkers. I've been connecting with local people and plugging into the small town vibe here in Garden. But I'm not settling down like I usually would. I'm on edge, I'm flighty, I don't want to be in one place for too long. The countdown that used to tell me how long I had left in Botswana is now telling me how soon summer will end.

A lot has gone wrong with my housing situation, and I'm feeling pretty dumb about it all - but at least I'm learning a whole lot about how to go about these things, which will be good when I start moving to new places more frequently and with less structure. Still: I should have gone with the connection I had, instead of trying to find a place before I got there. You really don't know a place until you've seen it. For instance, the pots and pans that were promised are ancient and not very good quality. Had I known this, I could have brought my good kitchen supplies from home. As it stands, my roommates parents came up the day after I got here and bought dollar store pots - whose "non-stick" (*cough*CANCER*cough*) tried to become part of the meal when I was making pancakes tonight. Disgusting. I don't think I'll be doing that again, unfortunately, which sucks pretty bad since pancakes are one of my staples. Oh well. The distance is what gets me the most: it's a full 18 miles to get to work everyday, which is a lot of gas down the drain, and would be a long commute by bike. If I want to go into town that's a good 10 miles from the apartment as well. How I wish we lived closer. I'm going to ask around and see about the availability of another place, and then we might talk to our landlord about cutting out of the lease. The only thing is that we have to move fast, because we'd have to give him plenty of time to get it rented out again and whatnot and we'd want to make sure we could be out by the end of the month. I really hope it works, for the sake of my wallet if nothing else. I really need to be saving money this summer....

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