18 January 2012

Packing Up (again)

A week from now I'll be in the midst of an epic, 4-day, midwinter's drive across the country to Arizona. Hopefully the midwinter aspect of things won't factor in too too much. I'm praying for clear roads and safe driving. That may sound moderately ridiculous at the end of January, but with the way our winter has been so far it's not that farfetched, really.

I've been working on crafts a lot since I got home - today I'm about to put the finishing touches on my Botswana quilt top. It features little round huts, a full clothesline, a sorghum field, an elephant, a zebra, acacia trees, the Botswana flag, flying birds, and even a little red truck full of hitchhikers! It's pretty fun, a bit bigger than I expected, and beautiful if I may say so myself. I'm quite pleased with it so far. I'm going to take it with me and work on quilting it in Arizona. I've got a lot of work in front of me, even with me trying to do a lot less work than my last one!

Anyway, I'm trying to be productive. I've got a to-do list and plenty of packing left on my plate, so I should probably get moving!


  1. That quilt sounds awesome! Can't wait to see you again in less than a week!

  2. pancake?? I don't remember that. Good talking to you tonight. Love you bunches!
