04 January 2011


I'm typing from a dorm room at the University of Botswana: hot, sticky, and exhausted. I'd call this my dorm room, but they said they're going to move us around tomorrow. Tomorrow we begin the process of registration: registering our computers for internet (tricky that I was able to get on tonight!), register for classes, and the like. Things are interesting here - not the usual, but not much different from what I expected. We've got miniscule ants marching around the dorm room - not everyone has them, or perhaps not everyone has seen them, so maybe if I get moved they won't be in the next one. And of course, mosquitoes are buzzing around inside, driving me nuts. I know they say you won't get malaria in Gaborone, but I would feel much safer (and less itchy!) if they had mosquito nets over our beds. I might have to purchase some mosquito repellent for the room or something like that. I heard through the grapevine (as one hears just about everything here) that we're not allowed on skype? I'm not sure what to think about this - I'll have to ask someone. I'm wondering if the Google chat will still be ok? I suppose we'll have to wait and see. For now, I'm going to tuck into bed soon and (hopefully) sleep through the night. Of course, we might just chat and play cards for another hour, but that wouldn't be such a bad idea either. Anything to make us sleep off the jet-lag.

I like it here so far. We'll see what things look like when I get a local roommate and classes start. Most of the other international students are pretty cool, and we've got lots of talk already about planning groups trips to places, on weekends and our week-long break alike.

Well, until next time!


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