30 January 2011

Street Smarts...

It's been an interesting time here recently. A lot has been happening to people in our international student group. A couple girls were at a party last night and had their drinks drugged, one of my friends just got her camera stolen from her bag when someone "bumped" into her, and another girl I know had her room broken into and her laptop stolen. I wonder what they'll think when they realize that her laptop was legitimately broken and she was trying to get some repairs done on it?

All these happenings make me a little nervous about life here. But I have to think that as long as I continue to lie low, not let people into my room, not tell people about my things (or tell the ones who know I have things how crappy my things are!), and just keep my Chi-town street smarts about me, I should be fine. And praying helps too.

I had kind of a homesick meltdown in my room yesterday afternoon, but spent the evening at a ballroom dance competition with friends who are more or less interested in the same things as me. Afterwards when we were waiting for our cab and they asked how I spent my afternoon, I was bluntly honest, and it actually felt pretty good, and they've come around me a bit more I think, it's nice. I think I've finally settled into my friend group, among the international students at least. I'm still working on the local student friends, but I'm hoping that'll come together a bit more with time. But overall, I think I'm starting to do better. Being able to eat yogurt and granola and clementines helps too, I suppose... :)

And now I need to stop procrastinating and get started on my humongous homework load.


  1. Yea street smarts! You'll be fine, Jaclynn, fear not. I totally know how the homesick meltdown thing goes, and believe me, it does get better. The fact that you let yourself have one and told people about it shows that you're doing just fine. :)

  2. Jaclynn, you are one strong girl - you survived the ghosts of the Cain House - you can survive your new adventures! Hugs to you!!!

  3. Echoing Abby, it does get better. And being honest about it is really good. :)
