19 March 2013

Changing Perspectives

Sunny yellow shirt, bright striped skirt, and birkenstocks, waltzing down the street with a spring in my step at high noon. The breeze is gentle and cool, the sun feels nice. I can't help but enjoy the cool weather today.

It's 81 degrees outside.

It's amazing how enduring a handful of 90+ degree days has made me feel that 80 is cool and 90 is comfortable. My how my thoughts on the heat have changed in the last two weeks.

Thoughts on my job have changed in the last two months as well. I went from feeling like I had no direction, to creating a job that I could really enjoy and getting as much out of it as possible. But the nebulousness of it all couldn't last forever. I've made a pact of sorts with my boss that, if the crossing doesn't open by the 6th of April, I'm going to put in my two weeks and head for Bodie. That way if the position does remain in my absence, I can ask him for rehire in November and get more in-sync with the seasonal opportunity schedule, as it were. If it is open by the 6th, he would like me to stay on through the beginning of July like I was supposed to.

With so much activity on both sides of the border, rumors are starting to fly that the crossing is going to open soon, but it remains to be seen. Personally, I would like it to wait so that I can have a better timeline for the next several months, but I'm open to either possibility. There's two and a half weeks to wait, still, so I figure it's best not to think too much on it until then.

I just have to trust that someone with a lot more perspective has my future in his hands right now.

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