06 September 2010

Cooler weather, longer weekends

Currently listening to: Pandora - Bluegrass genre station.

This has been a weekend of getting stuff done and getting nothing done all at once. I have been very productive on some fronts: my T/Th class homework is completed for the week, I've gotten the Cornerstone mailing list for the year pretty much made up, emails in the inbox that needed action have been taken care of, etc. On the other hand, I've wasted a fair amount of time in mostly enjoyable ways: watching Star Trek with roomies and neighbors, "testing the waters" - so-to-speak - at a new-to-us Forest Preserve and seeing a doe, a fawn, and even a 7pt buck, playing games, and taking catnaps in the breeze and sun. A whole lot of napping took place this weekend.

Marlee has inspired me to join her in a practice of making and working toward six goals for every six-week period. I've been thinking about it all day, and I think I have come up with my six for this six weeks:
1. Settle into a good weekly exercise routine.
2. Search and apply for scholarships to help pay for study abroad.
3. Carve out a healthy balance between homework reading, personal reading, music practice, and spending time with my friends.
4. Delete my Facebook and develop a communicative and social life without it.
5. Get organized and pack up things that I can send home.
6. Start on research for my term papers.
Pretty simple, but some of them will still be harder than others in the midst of everything as it goes. So today is day one, and hopefully I'll have accomplished these goals by the time 18 October rolls around. We'll see how it goes!

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