27 November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a beautiful day. A cool breeze whipping up the skirts of the ladies as they walk out of church reminds us all that the rain we were supposed to get early this morning has not forgotten about us. The only church I could find this morning was the Catholic one, so I attended mass in English for the first time that I can remember ever doing so. The music is much less beautiful than what we sang in Botswana. Modimo ke re itsisi sela sa botshelo. Or something like that. At the end of the service they gave out loaves of bread, one per family. They had exactly enough - even for me. Everyone clapped. How perfect the provision of the Lord.

Back home the windows are open to let in the sun and light while we still can. The house smells delicious. Jack has been busy in the kitchen, preparing his parts of the meal. I was busy yesterday baking sourdough rolls and making ice cream; but I will still be throwing a couple small dishes together, like half a sugar dumpling squash worth of parmesan baked squash wedges. Jack reminded me yesterday that if I make anything today I should try to make it small enough that we won't have much for leftovers. I'll do my best.

The freezer is quite full, and the fridge is certainly not lacking. There's a lot to be thankful for on this beautiful day. I think I need to make a conscious effort in the days that follow to use up things that have been in there for awhile - like those two summer and two zucchini squashes that I bought at least a few weeks ago and still haven't used in anything.... I'm thankful that we have such a nice house to live in, and that our landlord and his son are going to put up a fence in the back in the near future so that we can have a more private back yard! I'm thankful that, for the first time in ages, I have a real mailbox from which to send and receive my mail. I'm grateful that my landline and my internet cost more than our cell phone bill did and that at least that's something we'll get to save money on this season. I'm grateful that I've got this amazing guy who is willing to put up with me in all my different moods and who always reminds me to move on and to focus on the good things in life instead of getting hung up on the bad. I'm grateful that the interior of our house is finally starting to feel like a home.

Most of all I'm grateful for love. The love that is all around me and within me, that I see and hear and feel in other people and in nature. We live in a beautiful, love-filled creation, and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of it.

Until next time!

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