23 November 2010


Tonight I'm staying up an extra hour to get things taken care of before tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a big day: laundry and homework in the morning, finishing packing, then off to the library for a last long haul of writing before the weekend. Once I've worn myself out there, it'll be back to the apartment to type up all that I've written tonight and tomorrow and send it to myself, then off to Ohlson or some similar locale to print it off before I meet up with Kathleen and crew to head south, east, and north to Michigan. Yep, it's going to be a big, busy day.

My goal was to have my term paper done by Monday, but the sheer amount of work made me realize that I should aim a little later. So the next goal was to have it done by Thanksgiving break. As it turns out, a surprise ear infection rearing its ugly head on Monday morning would take away a day's worth of writing, and other related events would have similar effects on how much time I was able to spend in the library today. So, in all likelihood, I won't finish this paper tomorrow. Kind of sad, but at least I'll be able to edit all of the beginning and rework it and everything this weekend, which will bring me that much closer to the final product.

So, all this being said, I believe it is time for me to head to bed. Tomorrow is waiting, but I have to fall asleep first. And with everything that needs to be done, it'd be best if I could get a head start.


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