27 May 2012

Back in Bodie

For three days now I've been enjoying the Eastern Sierras once more. After two years of being away, my excitement at returning to Bodie could hardly be contained and for the first 24 hours I was absolutely elated. Now I am settling in, but the charm has by no means worn off: this place is beautiful, and there is definitely something special about being here.

I worked two days already, training and shadowing and getting back into the swing of things. Although locating facts in my brain feels like shaking off rust, I've been pleasantly surprised to find out that the numbers are still there and the right answers are usually the ones that still come out. I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that they were hiring me on as a Senior Park Aide instead of a Park Aide, which means a couple bucks more per hour and a bit more responsibility. I'm glad they decided that my first season of service (though I was an intern) counted for something. :)

Now, after only two days of work, I've already got my three days off starting today. A good thing, considering that I'm only half-unpacked so far and I'm still acclimating. Of course, if you know anything about me, you'll know that my philosophy on acclimatizing is to arrive, get used to it for a day or two, and then do a really epic hike. Ok, moderately epic, but something that is challenging enough to force my body to relearn how to breathe. This time around was no exception. Although luckily I was coming from 3500' to 8000' this time instead of 600', I still felt a bit short of breath here and there. Mark and Lynn called the park to let everyone know there was a Sierra Club hike going on in the Bodie Hills, and I decided I was going to attend. Roger and Cecile let me drive their 4WD SUV up Geiger Grade to meet up with Mark, Lynn, and the other Clubbers for a 6-mile hike around the Panamount Mine area. It was awesome, I'm beat, but I actually did really well. I guess that extra few thousand feet of headstart really did help my ability to acclimate.

Anyway, now I'm back home, showered, dressed, and getting ready to do some unpacking before I go out to dinner at the Settlement with Dave, Norm, Roger, and Cecile. I've been blessed in that I haven't had to cook a meal yet: everyone keeps inviting me over, so that fridge food is going to last me a good while, thank goodness! My goal right now is to not leave town until the wedding, and depending on how my days off shake out I will maybe do some food runs in there somehow or other. But otherwise, I just want to relax around town, get some hiking and biking in, settle into my new house, and otherwise enjoy myself.

I'm back in Bodie and, for the moment, I couldn't be happier.

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