03 May 2012

Castle Climb

Okay, so I know these have been long-awaited, so I'm getting to them now. :)
Get ready to climb the Castle!!
We went up last week, as I said before, and here's just a taste of what we saw:
First, they had dark little rooms that were actually (for the most part) rather roomy inside, just with small doorways.
Second, they had an AWESOME view.
Third, they used ladders. And randomly, because this picture reminds me of it, wooden lintels, which are still in place. Impressive.

Fourth, yes, I was up there, these aren't just someone else's pictures.
Fifth, they had a really AWESOME view!

For these, and other pictures of my brief foray up into Montezuma Castle, click here!

For general blogging, read on... :)

We got our schedules for the next two weeks - my last two weeks here! I've got two more weeks and two days, and I'm really starting to get excited. One of my coworkers gave me a cloth grocery bag from the health food store filled with health food store snacks to take on my "road trip" to my next destination. I think this officially means I can start packing. So this weekend, I probably actually will, unless I can come up with some sort of excuse again, but that's getting harder to do, so I think it's actually going to happen.

The weather here has really been heating up after last week's cool streak. We're in the mid-80s now, and I'm really feeling it during the heat of the day. Luckily, they don't expect us to be out-and-about so much when its hot outside, and we no longer have afternoon programs on the schedule, so that's nice. On a random note, I just got done watching "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" at the recommendation of one coworker (followed by another, and another, and another - apparently everybody likes this movie). It was interesting, beautifully done, but I haven't decided how I feel about it overall yet. Maybe I would watch it again, but I can't say for sure. But one movie I will always watch again is also on my shelf from the library this week: Seven Years in Tibet! I have the book with me, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I think I will at Bodie, though, because the entertainment pickings will be a bit slimmer so I'll have more time to read my own books.

Anyway, that's the view from here for now. I've got 12 days left of work, 16 days left here in the Verde Valley, then it's off to California for a few months! My how the time has flown...

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