22 May 2012

City of Angels

So, I'm sitting here next to Cecile on the back couch of the Yellow Cottage in the Los Angeles suburbs. We spent the day (after dropping off my car to get fixed and watching the finale to Book 3 of Avatar the Last Airbender) visiting the Travel Town outdoor train museum in Griffith Park and the Gene Autrey Museum in L.A. Both of which were loads of fun. Now, being that we had Roger with us, it was easy to turn every photo opp into a photo shoot, so the pictures here reflect that. :) It's been a fun day so far, and I'm really enjoying spending time with my hosts. Tomorrow we are doing the more mundane work of getting groceries and packing, then we will be off to Bodie on Thursday! I can't believe that I'm actually going back after two years - it's going to be so trippy! But, especially after all the shenanigans in the Autrey, I think I'm definitely in the mood to be back on the Frontier once more!

Good, by God, we're going to Bodie!!


  1. Sweet pictures Jaclynn! Have fun in Bodie!!

  2. Travel Town is the place Sheldon talks about on Big Bang Theory. Funny. Now I know what it is!

  3. It was a blast, Jaclynn! You are always welcome at Yellow Cottage, and you are one of my favorite traveling buddies! Can't wait to get back to Bodie to see you again!!
